Samba relies on iconv being installed on the Linux computer and having the necessary character set conversion routines. Samba依赖于Linux计算机(LC)上安装的iconv并拥有必要的字符集转换例程。
Use the rpm command to remove the rpl program from your Linux computer. 使用rpm命令从Linux系统中卸载rpl程序。
This is the third in a series of articles that cover the installation and setup of a large Linux computer cluster. 本文是系列文章中的第3部分,该系列涵盖了安装和设置一个大型Linux计算机(LC)集群的全部内容。
For this task, assume that the third-party application foo has been provided, but an older version uses a shared library not installed on your Linux computer. 对于该任务,假定已经提供了第三方应用程序foo,但是旧版本使用的共享库没有安装在您的Linux计算机(LC)上。
For example, you could build the OCAP implementation on a Linux computer for a specific kind of set-top box. 例如,您可以在一台Linux计算机(LC)上针对一种特定的机顶盒构建OCAP实现。