National Board(NB) of Health and Social Welfare, Sweden 瑞典国家卫生和社会福利部
National Board(NB) of Social Welfare 国家社会福利委员会
The Federal Education Minister Julie Bishop says it's time for states and territories to hand over some of their education responsibilities and have curricula set by a national board. 联邦教育部长称,现在是各州及各领地交出部分教育职责,来由全国委员制定统一课程的时候了。
In addition to completing a rigorous classroom curriculum in medicine, the PA must pass a national certification exam given under auspices of the National Board(NB) of Medical Examiners. 除了完成医学上严密的课程任务,医师助理必须通过由全国医科考试委员会主办的国家认证考试。
National Board(NB) on Fire Service Professional Qualifications 全国消防职业资格委员会