Very little board attention is typically focused on the role, evolution, and growth of the other founder. 董事会很少特别关注幕后创始人的职权、发展与成长。
After one lady changes the little board with some texts to the blind person, the blind person could collect more money than he ever thought on that very day. 一位小姐修改了那张破旧的纸板后,那位乞丐经历了一个很不同的一天,他收到的他从来没想到过数量的钱。
I was glad to know that we were to have a little printing-press on board and issue a daily newspaper of our own. 听到船上将有架小印刷机,可以由我们自己出版一份日报,我真高兴。
You 'd blow up this whole ship with your little purple friend on board? 你连你可爱的朋友也想炸掉吗?
There is little point in a board refusing to make changes just because it means admitting they have made a mistake. 董事会仅仅因为不愿承认自己的错误而拒绝改变,是说不过去的。