But what should be considered is the combination of principle and flexibility of syndrome differentiation, especially for expressions indicating disease-location and disease-character is due to be mastered, which emphasizes on differentiating syndrome from symptoms. 辨证注重原则性与灵活性的结合,重在把握具有病位与病性特征的表现,突出从症辨证灵活变通的思想。
Other studies have linked poor flexibility to high blood sugar, which increases diabetes risk, as well as greater risk for metabolic syndrome & another risk factor for heart disease. 其它研究也将身体灵活度不好和高血糖有关联。而高血糖会增加患糖尿病的风险,同时也会增大患代谢综合症的风险,另一个就是患心脏病的风险。