Three small overflow dams with different grade in an urban river were constructed and the water quality in different fixed sample points were periodically monitored. 对人工搭建的三个不同坡度的小型溢流堰堰体上下的水质进行定期监测,考察溢流堰坡度对水体溶解氧和有机污染物浓度的影响。
Furthermore, it has analyzed the effects of the afforestation on the base of information implemented in the afforestation and material got from monitoring on the fixed sample plots. 通过工程实施资料和固定样地监测材料,对小自得林区云南松工程造林的成效进行了分析。
Study on Beijing Forest Fixed Sample(FS) Plot Investigation System 北京市森林资源固定样地调查体系研究
This study used a fixed sample survey method, research on Chinese college students use social networking behavior. 本研究采用了定额抽取样本的问卷调查方法,研究了中国在校大学生对社交网络的使用行为。
The growth dynamics of above-ground parts investigated by the method of fixed sample. 用固定样方法调查了地上部分的生长发育动态。