By using the send message buffer pool, processing capability and loading capability of the message processing module is improved, and capability of the whole system is improved. 通过应用发送消息缓冲池,提高了短消息处理模块(MPM)的处理能力和负载能力,并从整体上提高了系统的性能。
The author also gives detailed designs of the major functional modules in the intelligent MOM, including the initialization module, message sending and receiving module, message processing module, subscription management module. 并对此智能消息中间件的各个主要功能模块做了详细设计,包括初始化模块的设计、消息发送与接收模块的设计、消息处理模块(MPM)的设计、订阅管理模块的设计等。
The system consists of five functional modules : the video capture module, image processing module, the actual situation registration module, the message processing module, and video integration module. 该系统包含五个功能模块:视频采集模块、图像处理模块、虚实配准模块、消息处理模块(MPM)和视频融合模块。
The architecture of the system is composed of the encoding and decoding of Manchester ⅱ series-parallel conversion module, the bus transmission module, the remote terminal protocol and message processing module, the RAM and its controller module and subsystem module. 包括双冗余曼彻斯特II编解码及串并转换、总线传输逻辑、终端协议和消息处理、内存及控制器及子系统模块。
It is divided into Network processing module, Protocol processing module, Message processing module, PPP processing module by functional demand. 以功能需求对VPDN模块划分为网络处理模块、协议处理模块、控制消息响应模块、PPP连接模块、管理配置模块;