This algorithm applies periodogram and parabolic interpolation to the cross correlation spectrum of band limited stochastic signals, and can obtain a continuous time delay estimator. 该方法将周期图法与抛物线插值应用于带限随机信号的互相关谱,可以获得连续的延时估计。
So MIMO systems theoretically can achieve very high data transmission rate on band limited frequency spectrum. 采用该技术不仅能在有限的频带上实现高速率的信息传输,而且还能够改善无线通信系统的性能。
The algorithm is also capable of the image degrading recovery due to the aberration and the band limited spectrum. 该算法也可同时恢复因光谱有限带宽、象差等引起的图象降质。
The reduction of interaction between solitons by introducing band limited guiding filter, sliding frequency guiding filter and nonlinear gain are studied. The corresponding stability problem are analyzed, and the parameters disposition of stable system is discussed. 研究了带通滤波器、滑频滤波器以及非线性增益等控制手段对孤子相互作用的抑制,分析了相应系统的稳定性问题,讨论了系统稳定工作时的参数配置。
Mean square response of combined system under band limited white noise excitation 组合系统在限带白噪声激励下的均方响应