Nursing cooperation of patients with ventricular septal defect undergoing partial repair combined with large arteries switch operation 室间隔缺损部分修补的大动脉调转术的护理配合
In addition to applied for LIN bus technology in car trade, the LIN can alse be used as the partial bus of industry system, used for communications switch, relay and small scaled electrical machine. LIN总线技术除了在汽车行业中应用外,LIN还可以作为工业现场总线系统中的局部总线,用于仪表,开关,继电器以及小型电机之间的通信。
According to test flow, the host program and its partial code are given, and according to the hardware structure of switch matrix, the firmware of each part is also given. 根据测试流程,给出了主机控制程序设计及部分实现代码,并针对开关矩阵硬件构成,分别给出了各个组成部分的固件程序代码。