He stared at me without a word, and I knew I had guessed right about those missing hours. 他一言不发地瞪着我,于是我知道我当时对于不明底细的那几个小时的猜测果然是猜对了。
Nine people remained missing hours after the blast, city officials said. 纽约市官员说,爆炸发生后有9名人员失踪。
Not only are you missing 2 extra hours a day by getting up later, but you are not fully awake when you start your work day! 晚起床两小时你失去的不只是两个小时的时间,而是当你开始工作的时候还没完全清醒。
Our co-worker went missing for a few hours, and we tore up the place looking for him. 我的同事有好几小时不见人了。我们疯了地到处找他。
So that means that even missing only a couple of hours of sleep a night really adds up if you do it every night. 因此这也说明,一天只少睡几个钟头,如果你天天如此的话,欠觉对你产生的影响也是会升级的。