Research of Cytokine Level in Peripheral in Thyroid Eye Disease(TED) Combination with Graves Disease Patients Treated with ~ 131I Graves病并内分泌性眼病~131I治疗前后外周血细胞因子的研究
Effect of short-term methylprednisolone on blood glucose metabolism in patients with thyroid eye disease 甲泼尼龙对甲状腺眼病(TED)患者糖代谢的影响
Randomized control trial of subcutaneous octreotide and oral prednisone in treatment of thyroid eye disease 奥曲肽和泼尼松治疗甲状腺相关性眼病的随机对照研究
A study on the relationship between anti-diuretic hormone secretion, thirst and plasma osmolality in diabetics randomized trial of subcutaneous octreotide and oral prednisone in the treatment of thyroid eye disease 糖尿病患者抗尿激素释放、渴感与血渗关系及奥曲肽和泼尼松治疗甲状腺相关性眼病随机对照试验