The author study the minimum cost flow problem with not only fixed cost but also variable cost, and they found it be a mixed 0-1 linear program, and it does not have polynomial time algorithm. 研究了带容量限制的带固定费用和可变费用的最小费用流问题,发现该问题是混合0-1整数规划问题,不存在多项式算法。
By the method of reproducing kernel and the tensor product of operator, the explicit representation of the best Hermite interpolation operator ( H U 2m, 2n u )( x, y ) for the bivariate functions is given, which is not in polynomial form. 利用再生核与算子张量积方法,给出了二元实函数非多项式(NP)型的最佳Hermite插值逼近算子(HU2m,2nu)(x,y)的具体表达式。
In 1947, Danzig presented the conception of linear programming and the famous simplex algorithm. Although the simplex method is efficient in practical application, it is not the polynomial time algorithm and has the lower calculation efficiency in theory. 1947年,Danzig提出了线性规划及其著名的算法&单纯形算法,该算法具有很好的实际计算性能,但从复杂性理论上来说并不是一个好算法;
That is to say, we can not use any polynomial algorithm to solve this kind of problems. 也就是说,不能用任何已知的多项式算法求解这种问题。
A posteriori error estimate based on extrapolation for p extension is presented using the sequence transformation technique. When the exact solution is smooth, the error in energy norm can be estimated by ε algorithm while when not smooth, polynomial extrapolation is used. 提出了基于序列转换的p型有限元后误差估计外推算法,当问题的解是光滑的时候,可采用ε算法对能量模进行估计;