Nucleotide and protein sequence databases are major resources for biological and medical research. 核苷酸和蛋白质序列数据库是生物学和医学研究的主要资源。
Nucleotide and protein sequences are the foundation for all bioinformatics tools and resources. 核酸和蛋白质序列是所有生物信息学工具和资源的基础。
The program compares nucleotide or protein sequences to sequence databases and calculates the statistical significance of matches. 程序会把核苷酸或者蛋白质的序列与序列数据库相比较,并计算符合的统计学意义。
BLAST provides a method for rapid searching of nucleotide and protein databases. BLAST提供一个快速搜寻核甘酸与蛋白质资料库的方法。
It often leads to fundamental biological insight into sequence-structure-function relationships of nucleotide or protein sequence families. 它通常导致对核苷酸或蛋白质序列家族的序列-结构-功能关系的基本生物学见解。