The Aleutian chain is a long arc of islands in the North Pacific(NP). 阿留申群岛是北太平洋(NP)上一长串呈弧形排列的小岛。
Part of the North Pacific(NP) between Alaska and Siberia; connected to the Arctic Ocean by the Bering Strait. 北太平洋(NP)位于阿拉斯加州和西伯利亚之间的部分;通过白令海峡与北冰洋相连。
An archipelago in the North Pacific(NP) extending southwestern from Alaska. 从阿拉斯加州向西南扩展的北太平洋(NP)的一个群岛。
Large edible crab of North Pacific(NP) waters esp. along the coasts of Alaska and Japan. 产于北太平洋(NP)水域特别是阿拉斯加和日本沿岸的大型可食用蟹。
The largest of the world's oceans, divided into the North Pacific(NP) and the South Pacific It extends from the western Americas to eastern Asia and Australia. 世界上最大的海洋,分为北太平洋(NP)和南太平洋。它从美国西部一直延伸到亚洲和澳洲的东部。