Delivery is not process, it is outcome. 交付不是过程,而是结果。
There are plenty of systems that, if they can't process new data within a certain period of time, do not process the data at all. 在许多系统中,如果无法在特定的时间段内处理新数据,就根本不处理数据了。
Teach judgement, not process or rules. 1.教会员工学会自己判断,而不是程序或规矩。
Ruby does not process any data in a string if you wrap it in single quotes. Ruby不处理任何用单引号括起来的字符串信息。
If certain required services cannot be identified, the computer will not process the request, but will respond to inform the requester what is missing. 如果无法标识请求的特定服务,计算机将不处理请求,而将直接响应,告知请求程序所缺少的内容。