He doesn't belong to the inner circle.; He's not on the inside. 他不是圈里人。
And a new love interest leads to two friends being pushed out of the inner circle. 而且一个爱情兴趣导致两个朋友正被推出他们的圈子。
Next are your family and the inner circle. 第六点是关于你的家庭和核心圈子。
Another factor is that acceptance into the inner circle around an important guru delivers high status within the organisation. 另一个因素是妇女接受了组织核心的大师们所承诺的崇高地位。
Next, cut from the outside edge of the circle to the inner circle, as shown. 然后,从圆的外边缘到内孔剪一个口,如图所示。