Insulation protective palisade protected person from high voltage. 绝缘栅保护人身安全,免遭电击。
The Athenian metics were protected in person by Athenian law to a certain extant and had the privilege of trading freely, even some of them had a high social status, but they had no citizenship and were excluded from the public affairs by the citizens. 他们在雅典享有一定的法律特权以及从商的自由权利,甚至有些人还享有很高的社会地位,但是作为外邦人他们没有公民权并被公民排斥于公共事务之外。
But the opponents think that this theory has protected the third person who is malicious in the transaction, and has disobeys the equity and justice. 而反对者认为该理论保护了交易中的恶意第三人,有违公平和正义。
Whether be protected to do not have person of civil action competence to cast and is the person that accept insurance pays insurance gold the condition to give with dying safe? 能否为无民事行为能力人投保和承保以死亡为给付保险金条件的人身保险?
Members are not obliged to accord such authority in respect of protected subject matter acquired or ordered by a person prior to knowing or having reasonable grounds to know that dealing in such subject matter would entail the infringement of an intellectual property right. 如受保护的客体是在一人知道或有合理的根据知道从事该客体的交易会构成知识产权侵权之前取得或订购的,则各成员无义务给予此种授权。