Your order price is smaller than the current Bid Price. Continue? 您的沽盘价格低于市场第一买价,继续执行吗?
The author has analyzed the deficiency of current bid evaluation method during garden landscaping works, and advised to adopt the international lowest bid method. 分析了目前园林绿化工程施工招投标中普遍采用的评标办法存在的缺陷,建议采用国际上通行的经评审的最低投标价法。
Combining the actural bid conditions of railway, road and water conservancy, the author analyzed the problem existing in the current bid system of construction market. 文章结合目前铁路、公路、水利等施工招、投标实际,分析了当前建筑市场招标、投标制度存在的问题。
The disadvantages of current bid evaluation were analyzed and the work which should be done to promote the successful bid with reasonable low price and main contents of evaluation for commercial bids were proposed 分析了现行评标办法存在的弊端,提出推行合理低价中标评标法应做的工作及商务标评审的主要内容
You want a user to see the current high bid for an item, and have the bid update automatically when another user bids on it. 您希望用户看到某个物品目前的最高竞购价,并且有用户对该物品出价时,需要自动更新出价。