The beautiful tune of light music is also a most appreciated value. 轻音乐优美的旋律也是最富欣赏价值之一。
Meanwhile, the copolymerization of lower band-gap monomers with higher band-gap chromophores is one of the most promising methods to tune the light wavelength and even realize white light-emitting from a single polymer chain. 同时将低能级的发光染料共聚到高能级的共轭聚合物上,是进行发光波长调节,甚至实现单一聚合物链白光发射的有效手段。
What is more, we can tune the slow light factor and bandwidth by the applied voltage. 而且,慢光的速度和带宽都可以通过外加电压来调节。
It puts forward such ideas as " lour basis ", " strike up the major tune ", " light actively " in order to promote the practice and the reinforcement of political and ideological work. All the ideas are great theoretical contribution in the new times. 这些观点推进了思想政治工作的实践,发展了加强思想政治工作的理论,是新时期思想政治工作的重要理论贡献。
The tune lifted, lifted, the light shone; and it seemed to Miss Brill that in another moment all of them, all the whole company, would begin singing. 曲调升华,升华,阳光灿烂,布里尔小姐感到再过一会儿他们所有的人,剧团全体人员都会唱起来。