Foothold league tournament raises the CBA league tournament level. 立足国内联赛,提高CBA联赛水平。
The exaltation and developments of the tournament athletics level are the powerful support to realize strategic target of the tournament athletics. 高校竞技体育运动水平的提高与发展,是我国实现竞技运动战略目标强有力的支持。
I have had the good fortune to watch the competitors as they prepare for the tournament, and the level of play is extraordinary. 我有幸观看了竞争对手,因为他们准备比赛,和水平的发挥是很了不起的。
It is useless to strain in the tournament of such a level. 在这种级别的比赛中使自己过度疲劳是没用的。
The governing body demands that all referees at the tournament have a good level of English but do not specify anything about bad language. 不过,国际足联同时宣称,裁判员及其助手在赛事工作期间必须精通英语。