Relationship has been studied on defect to deformation degree, friction factor and relative length of mould plastic section. 同时,研究了表面缺陷产生与变形程度、擦因数及模具整形段相对长度(RL)的关系。
What may have been the relative length of these ethnical periods is also a fair subject of speculation. 人类文化上的这些阶段的相对长度(RL)究竟是多少?这也是一个值得推敲的问题。
There is no conclusive evidence about the relative length, complexity, and temperatures of the various glacial and interglacial periods. 还无法确证不同冰川期与间冰期之间的相对长度(RL)、复杂性及温度。
The relative length of radicel and plumule are both decreased with the increase of the osmotic stress. 随着渗透胁迫的增加,相对胚根长、相对胚芽长呈下降趋势,且相对胚根长、相对胚芽长都与胁迫强度显著相关。
Finally the relationship graph between the relative length and the RCS of single chaff is got. Secondly, the usage of vector transport theory in the RCS calculation of chaff cloud is studied. 得出了单根箔条RCS与相对长度(RL)之间的关系图形和近似计算公式。其次,主要研究了矢量输运理论在箔条云团RCS计算中的应用。