On the Refinement for the Semantics Model of BAN Logic 关于BAN逻辑的语义模型的分析与改进
In addition, the use of non-negative real numbers as time domain enables us to express hiding of variables as standard existential quantification and express the relation of refinement between reactive systems as implications between logic formulas. 同时,采用非负实数集作为时间域还使我们可以利用标准的存在量词来表示变量隐藏,并可用逻辑蕴涵来表示反应系统间的求精关系。
Description and Refinement of Distributed Real-time Software Architecture Based on Temporal Logic Language 基于时序逻辑语言的分布式实时软件体系结构描述与精化
A Method of the Description and Refinement of Real-time System of Selling Tickets Based on Temporal Logic 一种基于时序逻辑语言的实时售票系统描述与精化方法
The correctness of refinement can be verified by the tool XYZ / VERI based on Hoare logic ruls and verifying methods of temporal logic. 一致性的验证可以借助于基于Hoare逻辑规则的验证工具XYZ/VERI以及XYZ/E作为时序逻辑语言所具有的对一些程序性质的证明方法。