Best Western(BW) international executives have also said they are considering opening a hotel in Lhasa. 美国最佳西方(BW)国际集团有限公司(bestwesterninternational)高管也表示,他们正在考虑在拉萨开办一家酒店。
We have the Best Western(BW) fast food! 我们有上等的西方快餐。
I believe SUTD's blend of the best western and eastern innovation cultures, anchored in the foundations of technology and design, would give the necessary ingredients to make this possible. 我相信SUTD氏最好的西部和东部的创新文化相互交流融合,在技术和设计的基础扎根,将给予必要的成分,使之成为可能。
As a prominent representative of the stream-of-consciousness tradition, Faulkner owes much to the best Western civilization. 作为英美意识流小说的杰出代表,福克纳极其善于从西方文明的优秀成果中吸收艺术营养。
Kylie Hotel is the first member hotel of Best Western(BW) International in Ningbo. 宁波凯利达酒店是美国最佳西方(BW)集团在宁波地区首家连锁酒店。