Internet commerce, he says, immediately opens global and more efficient markets. 他说,互联网商务即时打开了全球性和更有效率的市场。
Consignment-based revenue-sharing contract is prevalent in internet commerce, such as Amazon's and eBay's merchandising business models. 寄售与营收分享的合约方式目前普遍流行于电子商务网站中,亚马逊(Amazon)和电子湾(eBay)的商业营运模式是个适当例子。
Watching other people naked online was one of the earliest spurs to development of Internet commerce. 观看他人一丝不挂出现在网络上,是互联网商业发展的原动力之一。
And this performance boost may be critical to meet the demands of Internet commerce and online transaction processing applications in the future. 这种性能提高对满足未来因特网商务和联机交易处理应用的需求,可能是至关紧要的。
Another major shift in the model for Internet commerce concerns the technology available for marketing. 网络商业模式的另一个重大变化体现在营销策略上。