The new program will apply to new customers in its direct sales between business transactions and optimize the speed of transactions, to ensure the safety of the agreement, and to make it more applicability. 新方案适用于新客户、商家间其于直销的交易,优化了交易的速度,保证协议的安全性,并能使其有更高的适用性。
The paper discusses the conditions of direct sales from generators to large consumers, and puts forward a kind of operation mode of power market for the opening transmission grid, namely the long-middle term financial agreement and the balancing spot market. 探讨了开展发电企业向大用户直接供电的条件,提出了一种输电网络开放环境下的电力市场运营模式,即中长期金融合约交易和实时平衡市场相结合的电能交易模式。