This approach provides the performance of pure Java code and the productivity and reduced complexity of JavaScript. 这种方法提供纯Java代码的性能,以及JavaScript的生产力和减小的复杂性。
Pure Java(PJ) clients ( standalone Java applications ) can also access EJB components. 纯Java客户机(独立的Java应用程序)也可以访问EJB组件。
This example executes the EJB client as a pure Java class file invoked from the command line. 该示例将EJB客户端作为从命令行调用的纯Java类文件来执行。
At the same time, before the SCA and SDO world, lots of assets or services had already been created using pure Java interfaces and Java beans. 同时,在使用SCA和SDO之前,已经使用纯Java接口和JavaBean创建了许多资产和服务。
This driver is pure Java and implements the network protocol for a specific data source. 这类驱动程序是纯Java的,它实现了用于特定数据源的网络协议。