Your page load time should decrease, and you've ensured that your pages only contain what they need. 您的页面加载时间(PLT)应该会缩短,您已经确保了页面只包含它们所需的内容。
After reading this article, you will have a better understanding of the basics of Web page load time optimization. 阅读完本文之后,您将能够较好地了解网页加载时间优化的基本知识。
Google Page Speed is a Firefox plug-in that can help you discover technical issues affecting the average page load time of your website. 谷歌网页的速度是Firefox的插件,可以帮助您发现您的网站的技术问题影响加载时间的平均页面。
Then, based on those languages, we want to load only those cultures onto the page, in order to reduce traffic and page load time. 然后,基于这些语言,我们希望向页面只加载对应的那些文化,以便减少流量和页面加载时间(PLT)。
You might have read yesterday's article titled " Average Page Load Time(PLT) of Top Ranking Websites in Google. " 你可能已经看过昨天的文章标题为“平均排名榜网站的页面加载时间(PLT)在谷歌。”