Analyzed the current development situation of leisure agriculture agglomeration in china, and then compared Concentration Ration of Industry, Herfindahl Index(HI), Space Gini coefficient, E-G Index, Location Quotient and θ I index. 对我国休闲农业的发展现状进行了分析,然后比较了行业集中度、赫芬达尔指数(HI)、空间基尼系数、空间E-G指数、区位熵和θi指数这六种产业集聚的测度方法。
The Herfindahl Index(HI), the comprehensive index of the insurance industry has notable effect to insurance effectual supply. 从保险有效供给的角度,保险业的综合指标市场集中度HI指数对保险有效供给有着显著影响。
The Herfindahl index constructed is used to measure the DIV variable for diversification. 多元化经营利用赫芬达尔方法构造的DIV变量来度量。
The paper uses Herfindahl Index(HI) to analyze the character of China telecom market structure and explains the market efficiency so as to get a whole judgment on China telecom industries. 对我国电信业的市场结构性质进行赫芬达尔指数(HI)分析,并对市场效益情况进行阐释,得到对我国电信业市场情况的总体判断。
Traditional date of Herfindahl index and locational Gini index are the most common approaches used for analyzing geographic concentration of industries. 传统的Herfindahl指数、区位Gini系数是衡量产业地理集中程度最为常用的方法。