The special performance included headsets for the visually impaired and sign language interpreters for the hearing impaired. 这场特别的表演还分别提供耳机和手语表演给视障与听障儿童。
Making affordable and properly fitted hearing aids and follow-up services more available can benefit hearing impaired people. 提供更多的可负担得起和正确安装的助听器以及后续服务,可惠益于有听力障碍(HI)的人。
Research of the effect of cochlear implant and hearing aid on voice quality of hearing impaired children 人工耳蜗与助听器对听障儿童嗓音音质的影响研究
The fine arts education of Hearing impaired students is an importment part in our special education system. 听力障碍(HI)者的美术教育是我国高等教育体系中特殊教育的重要部分。
Therefore, facilitative strategies for hearing impaired students are primarily concerned with various aspects of communication. 因此,促进战略的听障学生的主要关切是各方面的沟通。