Study on Neutral Salt Spray Test of Super High-Build Epoxy Heavy Duty Coatings 超厚膜环氧重防腐涂料的耐中性盐雾性能研究
Synthesis and Durability Study on Solvent-Free Super High Building Epoxy Heavy Duty Coating 无溶剂超厚膜型环氧重防腐涂层的研制及耐久性能研究
The director as the representative of super managers in company according to his relationship with the company shoulders the duty of care and the duty of loyalty to the company. 以董事为代表的公司高级管理人员基于他们与公司的关系而对公司负有注意义务和忠实义务。
It set super high demand standards for their organizing and directing because of the specialty of the temporary duty. 而临时勤务由于其特殊性,对勤务的组织指挥提出了很高的要求。