Each Member shall establish maximum hours of work or minimum hours of rest over given periods that are consistent with the provisions in the Code. 各成员国应确立符合守则规定的特定时间内的最长工作时间或最短休息时间。
Nominal legal provisions calling for minimum wages and guaranteed rest days are routinely ignored. 有名无实的法律条款是的对最低工资和保证休息日的要求经常成为一纸空文。
Does that mean the student is stupid and is doomed to work in dead-end, minimum wage jobs for the rest of his or her life? 那意思是不是说这个学生蠢到这辈子工作到死都只能做着拿最微薄的工作呢?
He sets them to work, he gives back to them the bare minimum that will prevent them from starving, and the rest he keeps for himself. 他驱使他们劳动,而他们得到的回报是最小量仅能勉强饱腹的食物,其余部分全被他据为己有。