The country produced a new constitution introducing majority rule. 这个国家制定了多数人统治的新宪法。
This article describes one of those answers in its historical setting, the first great experiment in majority rule. 这篇文章讲述的是希腊历史给予的一个答案,它是大多数人统治的第一个伟大的实验。
Government by majority rule can be a threat to minority rights. 多数派执政的政府会危及少数派的权利。
No independence before majority rule; 在实现多数统治之前不得独立;
Rather, it represents a sizeable number of minority groups fearing for their futures under Sunni majority rule. 阿萨德政权代表着相当数量的少数教派,这些少数教派担心,占人口多数的逊尼派一旦掌权,自己的未来将岌岌可危。