Roundup efficacy slower response, it is suggested to use 10 days before the normal mature. 3 Ripening agent of recommend on the production In this trial, the two treatments of Diquat that has a greater impact on the yield of rapeseed. 农达药效反应较慢,因此建议在油菜正常成熟前10d使用。3生产中建议使用的催熟剂在本试验中,含敌草快的2个处理,对油菜产量影响较大。
The maximum of C6 aldehydes and alcohols were found at mature green stage, diminishing in concentration as ripening proceeded. C6醛类和醇类的含量在绿熟期最高,随着果实成熟逐渐下降;
Q-PCR detection showed that LOX gene in fruit growth and development, maturation and aging process were expressed in the fruit of growth, mature and aging process were expressed, indicating that the gene was involved in fruit growth development, ripening and senescence process. Q-PCR检测表明:LOX基因在果实生长发育、成熟和衰老过程中均有表达,说明该基因参与了果实的生长发育及后熟衰老进程。
ABA content reached the maximum when rhizomes were completely mature. The increasing ABA content suppressed the effect of growth promoting hormones, and urged the end of ripening in rhizome. ABA含量在完全成熟时达到最大,此时ABA含量的增加抑制了生长促进激素的作用,促使莲藕后熟的结束。