It introduces the technologies of digital image manipulation, MPEG-4 digital audio and video frequency compression, embedded operating system and software development, application interface development which measures up to industry, computer network communication technology and so on. 采用了数字图像处理技术、MPEG-4数字音视频压缩技术、嵌入式操作系统及嵌入式操作系统软件开发技术、符合工业标准的应用接口开发技术、计算机网络通信技术等多种先进技术。
The audio encoding and decoding algorithms are running in DSP. Based on embedded Linux operating system, the application process running in ARM, realizes the control of the HDLC device and gets the train control information through the HDLC communication with the Train Monitor System. 音频编解码算法运行在DSP中,应用程序运行在ARM中,基于嵌入式Linux操作系统,实现对HDLC通讯设备的驱动控制,与列车监控系统TMS进行HDLC数据通讯,获取列车控制信息。
A good audio product must be the perfect combination of hardware and software, after select a advanced hardware platform, we remain need to choose a good embedded operating system to handle huge and complex things in audio system. 一个好的音频产品肯定是硬件与软件的完美结合,我们选择了出色的微控制器平台后,还需要选择一个合适的操作系统来管理系统内纷繁复杂的事务。