Each model offers a different power rating allowing for varied and flexible sound reinforcement applications. 每一个模型提供了不同的额定功率(PR)为丰富和更为灵活的应用程序,允许扩音。
Load Factor The load factor is the ratio of the average load to the generator set power rating. 负荷系数负荷系数指的是机组的平均负荷与额定功率(PR)之间的比率。
Performance curves specially designed for high delivery rates at the low installed power rating. 注重设计低动力运转高输送的性能曲线!
Effection of the Peak Latency and Amplitude of Normal Group s Mismatch Negativity Change in Frequency Difference and Intensity Difference; Load Factor The load factor is the ratio of the average load to the generator set power rating. 频率和强度的偏差程度对正常人错配负反应的影响负荷系数负荷系数指的是机组的平均负荷与额定功率(PR)之间的比率。
The Study of the Diagnostic Value of Strain Rate Imaging ( SRI ) Combined with Adenosine Stress for Coronary Artery Disease Load Factor The load factor is the ratio of the average load to the generator set power rating. 腺苷负荷心肌组织应变率显像对冠心病诊断的研究负荷系数负荷系数指的是机组的平均负荷与额定功率(PR)之间的比率。