The filtered recycled water can be delivered directly for washing toilet comprising the asiatic closet and water closet. 过滤后的中水可直接送出,用于冲洗厕所,包括蹲式厕所和抽水马桶(WC)等。
The carriages were so crowded that he had to stand close to a water closet. 火车上很挤,他只好站在厕所旁。
A humidifier-dehumidifier device operates in combination with a water closet. 加湿器-抽湿机设备的运作,结合水壁橱。
In my six-plus years in Shanghai, China has undergone an economic, social, cultural and technological transformation, in the water closet. 我在上海生活了六年多,在抽水马桶(WC)这件事上,中国经历了一场经济、社会、文化和技术的变革。