Given a layout space and some payloads in meteorological satellite module, the layout optimization problems in meteorological satellite module are concerned with how to pack these payloads into the space reasonably and satisfy the essential constraints so as to obtain some kind of optimal performance. 对于给定的一个有限的气象卫星舱布局空间和若干有效载荷,气象卫星舱布局问题研究如何将这些有效载荷合理地放置于布局空间中,并满足必要的条件约束,以达到某种最优指标。
Space Particle Composition Monitor of FY-1C / D Polar Orbiting Meteorological Satellite and Results Detected FY-1C/D极轨气象卫星空间粒子成分监测器及其在轨探测结果