By selecting semantic elements very carefully, and improving both the design and implementation, we optimizes the memory usage and reaction time of the tagging system, makes it a system that support ten thousands of tags, and react in milliseconds on average to user queries. 通过对系统语义元素的精心挑选,以及对系统设计与实现的改进,优化了内存使用以及响应时间,基本达到现时中小型应用中支持标签上万、平均响应时间毫秒级的要求。
The preferred model is the reaction of the semantic words on the overall preferences ( preferences and purchasing desire ) and this model can help designers grasp the mind reaction when consumer judges products ' appearance. 感觉特性偏好模型反应的是意象词对与整体偏好(喜好度和购买欲望)之间的关系,这样的关系模型能够帮助设计者把握消费者在判断产品外观时候的心理反应。