The bar stock room environmental should meet the control condition as specified in AAAAA. 芯片储存室之环境条件必须符合AAAA。
Merging Management of Chinese Book Stock Room(SR) and Outside Lending Room 库存本阅览室与外借库的合并管理
It represents the application of he human dimensions in the interior design from function parts that are the drawing room, bedroom, study room, toilet, stock room etc, which will create more proper and comfortable residential space environment. 从客厅、卧室、书房、厨房、卫生间、贮藏室等各个住宅的功能分区阐述了人体尺度在住宅室内设计中的应用,以创造出更加合理、舒适的室内居住空间环境。
Back when Nooyi got the job, coke ( KO ) stock had been falling for years, the result of seven years of poor management after the death of legendary CEO Roberto Goizueta; the stock had plenty of room to move up. 因为时任可口可乐首席执行官的传奇性人物罗伯托•古兹维塔去世后,可口可乐就陷入了管理不善的境地,并持续七年之久,因此其股价有较大的上升空间。
On the one hand, companies should only buy their shares when they are confident that the stock has a lot of room to grow, as buying overpriced shares is a terrible use of shareholder money. 一方面,一家公司只应该在非常确定自己的股票有很大涨幅空间时回购股票,因为购买价格过高的股票可不是利用股东金钱的明智方式。