Account : A summary record of the changes in a particular asset, liability, or owners ' equity. 资本与业主往来帐户帐户:特定的汇总资产、债、有者权益变动的记录。
It's known that summary is the essence of a paper, and a summary record is one characteristic of a Chinese book record and the essence of book record database, which plays a very important role in readers service. 提要是文献的精华,提要项著录是中国图书馆目录数据的特色,是目录数据的精华所在,在读者服务工作中起着很重要的作用。
The performance test summary record of the RF-SQUID measuring system is briefed in the end. 文章最后简单介绍了该系统的性能测量记录。
Autobiographical memory is a personal memory of life events, and some of the baseline ( figure, location, time, self, emotional, etc ) of the summary record. 自传体记忆(autobiographicalmemory)是个人生活事件的记忆,是某些行为基线(人物,地点,时间,自我,情绪等)的摘要式记录。
Expectation of soft-reduction technique applied in billet continuous casting ( summary record ) 对轻压下技术在方坯连铸中应用的展望(摘要稿)