Reasonable and effective supply chain cooperation can reduce the storage cost. Quick response ability and efficient customer response ability become the decisive factors for the survival and development of an enterprise. 通过合理有效的供应链合作,可以降低企业的库存成本;快速响应能力与高效顾客响应能力成为了影响和制约企业生存与发展的决定性因素。
There are a lot of idiographic methods in SCM, this thesis primarily introduces three kinds of them, Quick Response ( QR ), Efficient Customer Response(ECR) ( ECR ) and Electronic Ordering System ( EOS ). 供应链管理的具体方法有很多,本文主要介绍三种:快速反应(OR)、有效客户反映(供应链ECR)和电子订货系统(EOS)。
The enterprises have to depend on the information technology so that they could meet the individuality of the customers and make efficient customer response as soon as possible. 企业必须依靠信息技术以极快的速度适应环境变化,满足客户的个性化需求,做出有效客户反应。
Customized-ECR-The Development of Efficient Customer Response(ECR) 定制ECR&有效客户反应的进展
MRP ⅱ, promotes the recombination and optimization of business progress by its information integration, efficient customer response and express delivery systen, has become an edged tool by which modern manufacturing organizations can obtain core competition ability. MRPⅡ以其数据的集成功能、敏捷的反映机制、快捷的递送效应促进企业信息流、物流、资金流的重组与优化,从而成为向现代制造业获得核心竞争能力的有力武器。