Be a good animal, true to your animal instincts. 做一个好的动物,真实的面对你的动物的本能。
Why should we give any less respect to those than we give to our animal instincts that underlies science? 为什么我们对迷信的关注就这么少呢,为什么我们就要将动物本能(AI)屈居于自然科学之后呢?
Their thinking is still stuck in the focus on the animal instincts of sex and food that point the poor greedy desires. 他们的思想还停留在专注于动物本能(AI)对性和食物那点贪婪可怜的欲望上。
No matter how cute or tame your pet may be, you never know when they will come out with their animal instincts. 无论你的宠物也许是多么的可爱或者驯服,你绝不会知道它们什么时候会显露出它们的动物本能(AI)。
But the music they play will become a music of life and death controlled by the desire of animal instincts! 这将是一首由生物本能欲望控制的生死之曲!