The requesting application or user can perform any query requests within the scope of their access permissions. 请求应用程序或用户可以在其访问权限内执行任何查询(AQ)请求。
In a recursive CTE, it is simply any query providing a set of rows. 在递归CTE中,它只是一个普通的提供一组行的查询。
The GAE datastore leverages an index for any query issued. GAE数据存储对发出的任何查询(AQ)使用索引。
It can execute any query request, independent of the type of query or target data source, and is able to execute SQL, MDX and XML all within a single environment. 它可以独立于查询或目标数据源的类型执行任何查询(AQ)请求,且能够在单一环境中执行SQL、MDX和XML。
Any query that utilizes the Primary Index column will encounter faster response times. 任何利用主索引列的查询将会遭遇更快速响应时间问题。