Macquarie University(MU) is now offering Merit scholarship to international applicants who demonstrated academic excellence of previous study. 麦考瑞大学对条件优秀的申请者提供丰厚的奖学金。
The school is also a partner school to nearby Macquarie University(MU). 学校也是麦考林大学的合作伙伴。
I understand that Macquarie University(MU) International Office provides support for international students, such as study skills and progression monitoring. 据我了解,麦考瑞大学的国际学生办公室向国际学生提供支持,包括学习技能和学习进步治理。
Simon Griffith of Macquarie University(MU) in Sydney, Australia, and his colleagues monitored the birds as they either chose their mates or were placed in a mating pair. 澳洲悉尼的Macquarie大学的SimonGriffith和他同事通过观察鸟类选择伴侣或者使它们结成一对得出上述结论。
The Alumni Awards for Distinguished Service, presented under three categories, recognise and honour the outstanding achievements of Macquarie University(MU) alumni in Australia and throughout the world. 卓越服务校友奖的颁发基于三个类别,其杰出成就在澳大利亚麦考利大学及世界范围内得到认可和表彰。