The influence of feedback delay of user channel information on the multi-user system performance is investigated. 分析了多用户(MU)系统在时变信道模型下用户信息反馈延时对系统性能造成的影响。
Both systems are multi-user, and control access to resources is based on user identity. 两个系统都是多用户(MU)系统,基于用户身份来控制他们对资源的访问。
A resource allocation scheme based on a iterative multi-user bit allocation method is applied in the first one. 第一个方案里,应用了一个反复式多使用者位元配置的方法。
A generalized database management and multi-user operating system designed for the business environment. 一种为商业环境而设计的通用数据库管理和多用户(MU)操作系统。
In this paper, we study the adaptive resource allocation for OFDM-based systems in a multi-user and multi-service scenario. 研究了适用于多用户(MU)(OFDM)系统中的多业务间子载波自适应资源分配机制。