Python has five simple built-in types : bool, int, long, float, and complex. Python有五个内置的简单类型:bool、int、long、float和complex。
This article introduced the Python programming language and the built-in data types : bool, int, long, float, and complex. 本文简单介绍了Python编程语言和内置数据类型:bool、int、long、float和complex。
The other four simple, built-in types in Python are all numeric types : int, long, float, and complex. Python中其他四个简单的内置类型都是数值类型:int、long、float和complex。
Otherwise, if the operand is of compile-time type Long, Float, or Double it is subjected to unboxing conversion. 否则,如果操作数的编译时类型是Long、Float或者Double,会经过拆箱转换。
Due to long time float charge and lack of maintenance, the performance of some batteries would gradually deteriorate. 由于长期处于浮充而且缺乏维护,一些电池的性能随着使用逐渐变差。