Galactic(G) surveys show that distant galaxies are not as evenly distributed in space as theory predicts. 对银河系的(G)研究表明,遥远星系在太空中的分布并不像理论所预言的那样均匀。
My colleagues, comparing composition of chemical elements in different galactic stars actually discovered alien stars in our galaxy. 我的同事比较化学元素组成,在不同星系恒星中,确实发现了银河系中有外来恒星。
What are quasars and active galactic nuclei? 什么是类星体和活跃星系核?
In just that tiny region, wise found about 130 glowing black holes, or active galactic nuclei. 在这块微小的区域,智慧号发现了130个发光的黑洞或活动星系核。
Astronomers say that the Galactic(G) light has been redshifted. 于是天文学家就说星系的光「红移」了。