She was backed by acoustic guitar, bass and congas. 原声吉他(AG)、贝斯和康茄鼓为她伴奏。
You produced eight tracks on your wife's4th album, which showcase the piano and acoustic guitar. 你在你妻子的第四张专辑中制作了8首歌曲,并展示了你在钢琴和原声演奏吉他方面的能力。
He plugs in an electric guitar, and he plays it like an acoustic guitar. 他给电吉他接上电源,然后把它当原声吉他(AG)来弹。
The acoustic guitar is a relatively simple machine. 声学吉他是个相对简单的机器。
According to her blog, her other pastimes include playing electric and acoustic guitar, walking her dogs, kickboxing, reading, and watching movies. 据她的博客,她的其他娱乐活动,包括电力和吉他演奏,她的狗散步,跆拳道,阅读和看电影。