The Virtual Reality System of the Humble Administrator's Garden 拙政园虚拟巡游系统
Although virtual reality technology is currently in the application in landscape garden design only for the exploration period, with the development of the technology, its impact on the landscape garden design will be even greater. 虽然,虚拟现实技术目前在风景园林设计中的应用仅出于探索时期,但随着技术的成熟,其对风景园林设计影响必将更大。
The mood of temple gardens are combine with Buddhist religious thought. Landscape combine real and virtual scene to create ethereal, quiet and the mood in the temple garden. 寺庙园林的意境要与佛教宗教思想结合,所以在寺庙园林中的植物景观是通过实景与虚景相结合,营造寺庙园林空灵、清幽的意境。