Pij is the priority value of the jth criteria belonging to the ith criteria group. pij是第i个标准组中第j个标准的优先级的值。
Sijx is the score of the xth application comparison against the jth criteria in the ith criteria group. sijx是第i个标准组中第x个应用程序对比第j条标准的值。
On the base of these theory, we prove that any vector in the feasible region of the priority weights on the consistent interval judgment matrix, exhibits the same rank order in the sense of the ith alternative not being inferior to the jth alternative. 在此基础上,证明了一致性区间数互反判断矩阵的权值可行域中所有向量的分量在不劣于的次序关系下具有完全相同的排列次序。
Additionally, the index Mean Time To Jth Failure ( MTTJF ) is given as the extension of Mean Time To First Failure ( MTTFF ). 本文还提出了第J次故障前平均运行时间MTTJF这个可靠性指标,作为对首次故障前平均运行时间MTTFF的推广。
Infected by the market transfer effect, JTH make significant progress in sales representation of ATC product and Doppler radar maintenance business. 在市场传递效应的影响下,金天海又在空管产品代理和气象雷达维修业务取得突破。