In each volume of programs, will expose the skill which and the devil training the driving helicopter needs. 在每一集节目中,将揭露驾驶直升机所需的技巧和魔鬼训练。
Army officers William and his brother Prince Harry are both on leave from their military training to become helicopter pilots. 现为军官的威廉王子和弟弟哈里王子目前都在接受直升机飞行员的军事训练。
Crew Selection and Training for Police Helicopter 警用直升机队建设与机组培训
The simulation of helicopter flight training has become an important means. And it is becoming increasingly important in daily training and special training of the helicopter. 直升机飞行训练的模拟化已经成为直升机飞行训练的重要手段,在直升机日常训练和特种训练中的地位越来越重要。
The training on the helicopter air-to-sea solid rescue must be focused on 3 key points 直升飞机海空立体救助平时的训练要突出三个重点